ননীগোপাল মজুমদার রচনাবলী ১

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লিখেছেন/সম্পাদনা করেছেন:
দীপান ভট্টাধার্য
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Collected works of Nani Gopal Majumdar vol. 1

ননীগোপাল মজুমদার রচনাবলী প্রথম খণ্ড 

Compiled & Edited : Dipan Bhattacharya

সংকলক ও সম্পাদক : দীপান ভট্টাচার্য 

Nani Gopal Majumdar was one of India’s foremost archaeologists and made extensive excavations in the Mohenjo Daro – Harappa region during the mid 1930’s. His excavations at places like Amri Jhukar and Chanhu Daro established the existence of pre-Harappan civilisations. This was an impressive addition to our knowledge of the Indus Valley Civilisation. His work in the eastern part of the country in areas such as Lauriya Nandangarh, Kosam, Durgapur and Mahsthangarh also led to important contributions.  Very well known among archaeologists and historians, his fame did not percolate to the outside world. Particularly because he was killed by dacoits in the Sind in November of 1938, when he was hardly 41 in the Dadu district of the Sindh was a crippling blow to the advancement of knowledge of these areas.   In the short span of his working life, he has left behind a very impressive body of work in diverse areas such as archaeology involving excavations, exploration and conservation, epigraphy, numismatics, art and iconography.

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