(0 পর্যালোচনা)

লিখেছেন/সম্পাদনা করেছেন:
প্রগতি ব্যানার্জি
নির্বাণ বুকস্



মোট দাম:
শেয়ার করুন:



In my hospital days, I started writing in effort to getting back to life. Those days I had Ernest Hemingway's quote in my mind:

"There is nothing to writing.

All you do is sit down at a type-writer and bleed."

Un-polluted is a story of an Indian girl. A girl is the central char- acter here and narrates herself her own story. The girl belongs to a middle-class Bengali family. She is an independent girl; she is in civil Services. She resides away from her family for the sake of her job. Inside the story, there is another story which is an inter-faith love- story. But, this much cannot describe her completely. There are still other aspects. India, being a large and proud democracy, has her own cultural and spiritual legacy. In India, a civil servant is the bridge between the govt and the people; her life is centered around these two ends. Her life cannot be prompted by mere self-interest any- more. In India, the Civil Service is all about serving people. In this novel, Upalabdhi, the central character and the story-teller too, is sensitive about her society and her country. She is quite a thoughtful individual and is sensible enough to get moved by the events going on in her surroundings. She is peace loving; any type of violence stirs her emotion up; be it gender violence, or be the violence is provoked efort and created in the name of Religion. 

এই বইয়ের জন্য এখনও কোন পর্যালোচনা নেই

বই সংক্রান্ত জিজ্ঞাসা (0)

প্রবেশ করুন বা রেজিস্টার করুনআপনার প্রশ্ন পাঠানোর জন্য

অন্যান্য প্রশ্নাবলী

কেউ এখনো কোন প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করেননি

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