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লিখেছেন/সম্পাদনা করেছেন
প্রগতি ব্যানার্জি

ক্লাব পয়েন্ট: 40
মোট দাম
শেয়ার করুন



In my hospital days, I started writing in effort to getting back to life. Those days I had Ernest Hemingway's quote in my mind:

"There is nothing to writing.

All you do is sit down at a type-writer and bleed."

Un-polluted is a story of an Indian girl. A girl is the central char- acter here and narrates herself her own story. The girl belongs to a middle-class Bengali family. She is an independent girl; she is in civil Services. She resides away from her family for the sake of her job. Inside the story, there is another story which is an inter-faith love- story. But, this much cannot describe her completely. There are still other aspects. India, being a large and proud democracy, has her own cultural and spiritual legacy. In India, a civil servant is the bridge between the govt and the people; her life is centered around these two ends. Her life cannot be prompted by mere self-interest any- more. In India, the Civil Service is all about serving people. In this novel, Upalabdhi, the central character and the story-teller too, is sensitive about her society and her country. She is quite a thoughtful individual and is sensible enough to get moved by the events going on in her surroundings. She is peace loving; any type of violence stirs her emotion up; be it gender violence, or be the violence is provoked efort and created in the name of Religion. 

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